A weak digestive tract, these things indicate

When food is not digested in the body, the body cannot absorb the nutrients it contains. When nutrients are lacking, the body's functioning may not be as accurate. 

When the body's functioning is not done properly, its immune system is weakened. When the body's immune system is weak, even the smallest disease can protect us. The body is sick, weak, chronic.

This is a common question. There is something to know though. The digestive tract transforms food into energy. We can walk, swim, play, jump, run, work. If the digestive system is damaged, we cannot be healthy and fit.

When the digestive tract is not healthy, it usually causes stomach pain, vomiting, gastric, diarrhea. But, this is not the only problem. Persistent stomach problems can cause serious diseases in the body.

How to check if the digestive tract is bad?

The smell of the body
When our digestive system is bad. Or not digested food. Then the toxins accumulate in the body. Even if such a thing is known, the body is deodorant. Sweat or any part of the body is deodorant. It should be understood that the digestive tract is bad.

Skin problems
As the digestive tract weakens, its effects appear on the skin. A variety of skin problems occur. If the digestive tract is good, the skin is glowing, stains are not visible, pleasures are not visible. However, these problems appear once the digestive system is damaged.

Smell of breath
Many have trouble breathing. The mouth and teeth are not properly cleaned and the mouth smells. However, stomach problems can also cause bad breath in the mouth. If you breathe while brushing or even cleaning your mouth, your stomach is bad.

Hair fall
There are many causes for hair fall. But one of them is stomach upset. When the digestive tract deteriorates, the body lacks the nutrients it needs. It also affects the hair.

Nails weakens
In the long run, if the digestive system is bad, it will affect the body as well as the nails. When the digestive tract is damaged, the body's waste does not get out. This seems to be a problem. One of them is the tornado, the weak one.

How to keep the digestive tract healthy?
In order to keep the digestive tract healthy, food, lifestyle should be taken into consideration. If the digestive tract is strengthened, it is well digested for most foods. The nutrients contained in these foods are taken up by the body. The body is healthy and fit.

In order to make the digestive system healthy and strong, the most important thing is to focus on food. Eating poorly is not good for the digestive tract. That is, marmalade, woven in oil, meaty, dairy products becomes a burden to the stomach. Processed foods are also not suitable for the stomach. Such foods should be controlled. 

Foods that are digestible should be eaten easily. Fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, radishes and fruits keep the stomach clean. Strengthens.

Likewise, the body must be active to strengthen the digestive tract. Some exercises and yoga poses directly affect the digestive system.

  • Let us eat at just the right time according to the meal schedule. However, eating habits affect the digestive tract.
  • Eat as much food as the body needs. Just because it is sweet, eating unhealthy foods can cause stomach upset.
  • Sit with arum while eating. Stay in the right posture. It works well with your digestive system.
  • According to Ayurveda, proper and regular routine should be followed to maintain digestive function. Breakfast should be served at the right time for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Do not sleep immediately after having dinner. Have a light meal at night. Get nutritious food in the morning.

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